This is VINOD KUMAR S.P- Chief Reporter, Tourism Journalist of,owned by SAJEENA CHANDRAN which is dedicated to promoting meaningful tourism ideas and latest news that all people and places are connected. is our web portal on which we try to convey up to date status of India tourism industry to people. At, I write mostly about the tourism industry.
I have been in Tourism and Hospitality industry since last 18 years after my post-graduation in Tourism and Hotel Management, Mangalore university . On the journalism side, I’ve done some fellowships — a post-graduate diploma in Journalism from Trivandrum Press Club.
I have a solid connection with tour operators and travel agents all over India and attended a vast row of travel and tourism trade shows.
I worked as General Manager, Hotel consultant in various hotels. Now I am working with karthika park hotels as Corporate General Manager handling both operations and public relation.
Me, basically from Trivandrum, Kerala & visited all over Indian prominent tourist destinations as well as abroad like Dubai, Malaysia ……..